It can be rather alarming to see foam around your dog’s mouth because it immediately calls for thoughts about rabies. But there is no need to get instantly scared if your pet has mouth foaming.
There are way more reasons for this than rabies. So let’s take a look at them so that you can understand if there are any serious issues with your pup.
Why Does My Dog Have Foam Around the Mouth?
To figure out the reasons, you need to see what are the other symptoms if there are any. In most cases, there is nothing significant to be afraid of. However, it is quite scary to see that there is something wrong with your pet but not know what is the problem exactly.
Knowing the reasons behind mouth-foaming will help you understand how to act at the moment.

Too much physical activity
Most dogs are very active, but sometimes they don’t know when to stop. The activity itself is so rewarding for them that dogs will wear themselves out to the point when found breathing and salivating too heavily.
As they drool, breathing quickly and shallowly, the saliva starts foaming. It is completely normal.
Stressful situation
As well as in the case of physical activity, dogs heavily breathe when they’re stressed. And often they drool, too. So if you understand that your pet is stressed, take care of it and remove the trigger that provokes anxiety.
Also, look for signs of stress: a tail tucked between legs, big eyes, a tense “smile,” ears pressed to the head, etc.
Digestive system issues
Many digestive system diseases can cause foaming at the mouth in dogs – from the upset stomach to even foreign items in the intestines. Then the pet will also have other symptoms like vomiting, low energy, and lack of appetite.
If you suppose that the reason why there is foam around your dog’s mouth is that something is wrong with its digestive system, you should see a vet as soon as possible.
Issues with teeth or gums
Dental diseases cause pain and, as a result, excess salivation and shallow quick breathing. It will create foam around the mouth of the animal.
Take a look at your dog’s gums and teeth. If you see gingivitis or cavities, it must be the reason why your pet is foaming at the mouth. Moreover, you might notice that something is stuck between teeth or gums – it can cause foam as well.

If an animal gets poisoned, it will try to get rid of the poison naturally – through vomiting. That’s why foaming at mouth takes place. If your dog was poisoned, you would see a lot of other symptoms like diarrhea, shivering, lethargic condition.
You should contact the closest vet immediately because often poison leads to the worst outcome very quickly.
The dog can’t swallow
Sometimes a piece of a stick or a toy can get stuck at the back of the animal’s mouth or throat. Be careful when you are buying dog toys, few tips from dog toys review. Then it won’t be able to swallow the saliva properly. Hence, drooling and panting will occur.
This situation also means a trip to your vet because the doctor needs to fish out the foreign object.
The symptoms of epilepsy are quite clear – the dog loses consciousness, its muscles begin twitching and convulsing, and it foams at the mouth. This condition can occur in any dog, regardless of breed and age. Talk to your vet if you suspect epilepsy.
The worst-case scenario is rabies. This virus has many symptoms and is tricky to diagnose. If you suspect that your dog has rabies, you must take it to the vet. To prevent this disease, make sure your pet gets vaccinated regularly.