If your dog has been playing in the backyard a lot, then chances are that it may have bit a frog accidentally. This gets your wondering what happens when a dog bites a frog.
When your dog spends countless hours wandering around outside and exploring the wilderness, he is bound to come across dangerous elements. Even when you try to keep a close eye on all his activities, it is still possible that he eats or is hurt by something that could result in severe consequences.
Dogs need a lot of attention when they are outside. From destroying your plants to sniffing another animal’s droppings, there is a multitude of disasters that could arise.
However, dogs don’t mean any harm with their innocent adventures. There is a list of harm that could happen to them if you don’t adequately supervise them.
One of these dangers in the wild is the frog. Because frogs move slowly and look like an exciting plaything with their slimy bodies, you should do your best to prevent your dog from coming into contact with them.
Although dogs are curious creatures and like to get a taste of anything new or unusual that they come across. A frog could potentially cause outcomes that will land a dog in the vet’s office.
Here is what happens when a dog bites a frog.

Signs That Your Dog Has Bitten a Frog or a Toad
If you don’t get your dog treated immediately after he bites or ingests a dog, it could be lethal. They usually have an extremely adverse reaction to the toad, but if it is treated swiftly, then they can be back to normal in a few days. This is what happens when a dog bites a frog:
- Your dog will start salivating or drooling profusely
- He’ll start making noises like he’s crying or will howl in pain. He may also whimper or whine
- He’ll paw at his mouth and eyes like he’s agitated by something near them
- His mucus membrane will shift from its natural color. You’ll be able to tell that this isn’t normal because it will be red or pale and swollen as well
- He’ll have a hard time breathing normally. You’ll notice a difference in the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes
- He will start vomiting out the food he ate
- He will not want to eat any of the food you offer
- You’ll notice that he isn’t moving the way he usually does. He’ll seem disoriented and will not be able to balance his body correctly, which may lead to a sway in his movements
- He might experience fits, shaking and could faint or fall over
- You might notice a fever coming on
When your dog starts vomiting or drooling, it will usually begin almost right after he has encountered the poison. In most situations, you will start seeing the signs of drooling, and your dog will start vomiting within the first 30 minutes of coming into contact with a frog or toad.
When you are checking for changes in his heartbeat, you will start to notice them within the first 15 minutes of the poisoning. However, there have been instances reported where a dog’s heart rate changed up to 4 hours after he had bitten a toad.
Usually, when your dog has been poisoned, it is because he ate a Cane Toad. Because these symptoms can be so similar to another disease, they can easily be ignored or misdiagnosed. However, when you are aware of the kind of creatures that live in your backyard, you are less likely to miss a frog poisoning when you see one.
If you feel like your dog’s heart is beating extremely fast, it is almost always a tell-tale sign that he is not feeling well. If his heart rate goes up to 260 beats per minute or more, then you need to take him to a vet right away.
If your dog shows other signs of distress, like dilated pupils and does not seem to recognize you or his surroundings anymore, then he needs to be seen by a vet right away.
Sometimes, his gums will also turn extremely red. So if you suspect a frog or toad poisoning, check to see if the color of his gums has changed to an unusual color.
One way to make sure that you can always tell when your dog’s heart rate or breathing rate is different from what it usually is to know what his regular heart rate and breathing are. You can take these measurements by recording your dog’s heart rate when he is at rest and checking to see how his chest rises and falls under normal circumstances.
Your dog is not going to be able to tell for himself what is happening to him. So, it is up to you to be equipped with the skills that are needed to catch the poisoning before it is too late. Rather than dismiss his symptoms for something mild, you should take him to a vet. They will be able to tell you whether your dog is in danger or if he is just a little unwell.
Can a Dog Die from Biting a Frog?
Most dogs can be cured of toad poisoning if their symptoms are detected quickly. If you catch his changing condition before it can worsen, you can save his life. However, there are a few complications when it comes to detecting frog poisoning.
For starters, not everyone can tell whether their dog feels sick because of a frog or if he ate something else that is making him sick. Chocolate or antifreeze poisoning creates similar symptoms as frog poisoning. What is important is that you learn how to identify what your dog is experiencing based on what you know about his activities and your backyard.
If you are sure that your dog could not have come into contact with a frog, then you can help your vet eliminate the possibility of a frog poisoning from the list. However, if you had recently seen an increase of frogs in your area, it is possible that you could make it easier for your vet to diagnose your dog for having frog poisoning.
It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to taking your dog to a vet. When dogs are taken to the emergency within the first 30 minutes of licking, eating, or biting a toad or a frog, they usually have a good chance of regaining their health and getting back on their paws.
Dogs whose owners delayed taking them to a vet or assumed their symptoms were of another condition have ended up dying. The worst part is these deaths can be prevented if only you, as an owner, are more vigilant about where your dog plays and what kinds of insects and animals are present in your backyard for him to get into trouble with.

Are All Frogs Always Poisonous to Dogs?
When your dog bites or licks a frog, it does not always mean that he is going to fall dangerously ill. It depends on what kind of frog your dog encountered. In some situations, the experience may be unpleasant for your dog. Still, they do not necessarily have to result in a fatal outcome.
Whether you have a big or small dog also plays a role, because a smaller dog will be more severely affected than a larger one. If your dog just licked the frog, it will not get as sick as it would if it ingested the entire frog, so these factors play a role in the resulting condition as well.
When some frogs are liked or tasted by your curious fur-child, they can irritate his mouth. This is not always a symptom of poisoning because it might just fade away after causing little discomfort in your dog’s mouth.
The reason why some frogs and toads irritate when licked is because of the secretions in their skin. They release toxins, which are not deadly but are made to cause vomiting and excessive drooling so that your dog no longer wants to go near them again.
Sometimes, your dog will display discomfort in their mouth or eyes, but this might be because he licked a frog that released these toxins to defend itself. If they fade away after a short period, it is possible that your dog was only experiencing mild discomfort and not a full-fledged poisoning.
What Kinds of Frogs Are Dangerous to Dogs?
A Cane Toad is a poisonous frog, so if you can learn to differentiate between a Cane Toad and other types of frogs, you can make your dog’s playing environment safer. They like to make their homes close to water bodies, so if you have any pools, canals or ponds near your home that your dog may be able to access, you should search the area for these toads.
If possible, remove these toads from your surroundings without harming them. One reason why they might live in your area is that they are fond of eating the same food as your cats and dogs, like pet food. If you want to be extra vigilant, don’t leave your dog’s food bowl outside unattended, because this might attract the Cane Toads.
The Cane Toad also likes being near bugs, snakes, and greenery, so if you have a garden, chances are there could be a few frogs living in it. If your garden also has a body of water, you should probably avoid letting your dog spend too much time in that area. In such a space, your dog could come across an animal that isn’t safe for his health.
One way to prevent dangerous frogs from entering your backyard area is by lining the lower part of your fence with chicken wiring. The part between the fence and ground is usually where these tiny creatures enter. So if you can come up with effective prevention strategies, your dog will be less at risk of coming across a frog.

What’s More Dangerous to a Dog—a Frog or a Toad?
Usually, in cases of poisoning, your dog is likely to have been poisoned by a toad. This is because frogs do not live in the same residential areas as human. They prefer tropical areas with rain forest. This does not mean that frogs aren’t as dangerous for your dog as toads.
They are both potentially poisonous creatures, but if your dog is poisoned, it is most likely a toad that caused it.
When toads feel like they are in danger or are in a stressful situation, they can release toxins from the glands in their skin. These glands are near their heads and other areas of their bodies as well.
When toads are poisonous, they will excrete a milky looking substance that can cause poisoning. The reason why toads release this substance, however, is because it makes them slippery to hold, allowing them to escape a situation where they feel attacked.
The main types of toads that are poisonous are Cane Toads and Colorado River Toads. These toads are found in places like Texas, California, New York, Mexico, Hawaii, and Florida, so if you live in these places or areas nearby, you should look out for these toads.
The most dangerous of toads are Cane Toads because they are famous for causing burning feelings in the eyes and over the skin. Their poison can cause extreme irritation and discomfort.
Although they may not fatally hurt a human who came into contact with their venom, they are very capable of hurting a cat or dog. Some pets are known to have died because of the aftereffects of eating a toad.
How Can You Prevent Frog Poisoning in Dogs?
Frogs and toads are hard to avoid when you are out in the wild. However, when you realize how dangerous they are for your dog’s well being, you will have to start making the necessary changes to prevent frog poisoning.
You can start by making sure that you have scanned the area that your dog plays in and spends the most time in. Hopefully, if there are any frog habitations, you can have them shifted and removed from your area.
Another way to get your dog to not go near frogs even if he comes across one is to train him to avoid them. You can do this by teaching him never to go alone outside or explore too far without you by his side.
You can also make sure he never goes outside after dark, especially if you are not there with him. Most frogs come out in the dark, which significantly increases the risk of frog poisoning in the evening and night.
What Should You Do If Your Dog Bites or Is Poisoned by a Frog?
Now that you know well what happens when a dog bites a frog, let us discuss what you must do when your dog has already bitten a frog.
The first thing you should do if you suspect that your dog has been poisoned is to rinse his mouth out with water repeatedly for at least 10 minutes. This ensures that if there are any toxins in his mouth, you can get them about before they cause an adverse reaction. This will at least reduce the extent of damage that the frog poisoning will cause.
You could also call your vet up and ask for instructions before proceeding to drive your dog over to the vet’s. You might be asked to apply activated charcoal in his mouth, which helps cleanse his mouth of remaining poison.
You should also mentally let yourself know that you need to be ready for the worst. Hopefully, if you can make it to the vet’s in time and your dog has not entirely ingested an entire frog, your pet will survive.
However, for him to be well again, he might need to go through a series of treatments. These treatments could include IV fluid administration, baths for reducing the fever. Your dog might be put under anesthesia for the vet to get their job done.
Final Thoughts on What Happens When a Dog Bites a Frog
Frogs, toads, and dogs are all just animals living their lives without intending to harm anymore for no reason. Sometimes, the actions they use to defend themselves can lead to severe consequences for an unsuspecting victim. However, rather than try to exterminate the animals that might injure our beloved dogs, we should try and create an environment that is safe for them.
Dogs cannot speak for themselves and tell you what activities they had been into at the time that they fell ill. It is up to you as a responsible pet owner to make sure you are always informed of what your pet is doing. Knowing who he is playing with so that you can warn him of harm or prevent him from getting hurt before it is too late.
Seeing a vet when you suspect that your dog isn’t well is the smartest step you can take. As soon as you suspect that your dog is not acting the way he usually does, report it to a vet. Then, the vet can carry out further investigations to make sure that your dog is not in critical condition. If he is, they will administer the necessary treatments to help him.
So, can a dog die from biting a frog? Yes, but only in situations where you are not vigilant and do not make an active effort to save his life.
We hope that this guide on what happens when a dog bites a frog is useful for you and for your dog.