7 Tips you might consider These
Let’s face it, although the Coronavirus lockdown and self-isolation have taken a toll on a vast majority of us, our pets are equally having a hard time trying to adapt to the changes.
Before the lockdown, your furry friend would probably have its schedule for an entire day while you are at work and your kids in school. However, with everyone now at home, your dog is finding it hard to go along with the new living arrangements as well.
While you and your furry friend enjoy spending more time together, it goes without saying that the fun does not often last for long. You will naturally want to do something more with your time other than simply playing with your pet dog for an entire day. On the other hand, it will only be fair for you to find ways to keep your dog active and entertained while you are occupied.
So, how should you go about ensuring that your furry friend is active and free of any boredom during lockdown?. Read along to find out.

1. It Starts With Feeding Your Dog The Right Food
Regardless of whether your dog is in lockdown or waiting for you to come home from work, food is essential for your dog’s entertainment. It dictates the level of activity that your dog will have.
Even so, you should take special considerations while choosing the perfect food for your dog. Dog foods such as Tuffies Nutrisource Super Performance dry dog food contains all the nutrients and minerals that your dog needs to stay active.
Always remember that your dog requires optimum energy levels to remain active and entertained. Additionally, the right food will ensure that your furry friend is free from any diseases.
2. Develop Search Games
Another way to keep your dog entertained is by engaging him in games. While this is the case, it can prove to be a bit challenging during the lockdown.
Since dogs use their sense of smell while playing, you can develop search games by scattering food around for them to find.
So, instead of feeding your dog using a bowl, you can simply scatter food or treats around the house or in the garden. Your dog finds will be entertained and engaged when finding the food.
3. Use Activity Feeders
Apart from scattering food around for your dog to sniff them out, you can as well utilize activity feeders. The good news is that you can either buy one from the store or simply make one for yourself.
You can use a lot of readily available materials. These include a destruction box or cardboard box. Once you have your activity feeder, strategically place it so that your dog can find it with a bit of a challenge. However, ensure that the feeder is easy to find. This way, your dog won’t lose interest in looking for food.
4. Give Your Dog a Safe Space
Just like humans, dogs require a safe spot for them to enjoy anytime.
While there is no particular spot that should be designated as a safe space for your dog, it’s crucial to ensure that the spot you choose is quiet and peaceful.
This could be your basement, extra bedroom, or even a utility room. While at it, always ensure to place toys at a safe place.

5. Ensure Your Dog Gets Enough Sleep
Man and his dog comfortably sleeping in
To ensure that your dog maintains optimum energy levels, it’s crucial to ensure that it gets enough sleep. Ideally, if your dog is an adult, it should be able to spend between 12 and 16 hours snoozing.
Since most dogs are used to sleeping during the day when everyone is not around, this can prove difficult during a lockdown when everyone is around. It’s, therefore, important to identify a quiet place where your dog can have enough peaceful sleep during the day.
6. Try Out Different Walk Times
Tips for walking dog during quarantine coronavirus 2019-covid.
These are abnormal times and so you cannot walk your dog the way you used to. Even so, you should use any opportunity possible to walk your dog.
To avoid your dog zooming around for no specific reason, try out different walking times. Your dog will thank you for that and will stay entertained and active.
7. Mentally Stimulate Your Dog
Although a vast majority of pet parents care about the health of their dogs, mental health is always the least of their worries. However, to keep your dog entertained during the lockdown, it’s imperative that you constantly stimulate your dog mentally. This includes engaging your dog in puzzles, food toys, trick training, among others.