You know that bottle of vinegar from your kitchen that you use as a topping for summer salads? I have some news for you: it is not just for cooking. What you and other dog owners probably don’t know is that apple cider vinegar has many benefits for dog’s health and also neutralizes the smells that are usually just part of the deal when you live with furry friends. So, unlock those cabinets and let the vinegar have a chance to do its magic!
Here are some vinegar benefits when used on pets:
It Supports Digestion
When it comes to digestion, pets on grain-based diets may develop different troubles. As a result of this type of food, the intestinal pH is higher than normal. The problem is that digestion works better at lower pH, which allows bacterial flora to thrive in the digestive tract. If your four-legged friend has this kind of problems, sprinkle a teaspoon of vinegar directly into the food bowl or mix it with the drinking water. The recommended dose is 1 teaspoon per 50 pounds of body weight. You should better use natural apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Healthy Ears
If you want to keep ear infections away, it is important to clean your dog’s ears so they are squeaky-clean all the time. But be careful not to overdo it, because excessive cleaning is harmful to the ears’ skin and for the natural ears’ flora. You should always check your pet’s ears and clean them only when you see that they are dirty, and not every day.
In this circumstance, vinegar will come in handy as well. Form a solution by mixing equal parts apple cider vinegar and warm distilled water (you can also use regular water if you don’t have distilled water). Swab your dog’s ears with a cotton ball impregnated with the mixture. This will kill the bacteria and dry up the moisture that may cause yeast infections.
Keeping Fleas and Ticks Away
Vinegar is a known repellant for ticks, fleas, and mosquitos. It doesn’t actually kill fleas and ticks but provides an unpleasant environment that will make them want to move out of. It is better to use vinegar as a preventive measure against fleas, than to try getting rid of them, once they are in your puppy’s coat.
Vinegar can be used in baths, sprays, or into your dog’s water. To use it in a spray, add equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water to a spray bottle. You can also add some drops of lavender oil if you yourself find the smell of it repellent (as do I). Spray the solution on your pet, but be careful to avoid the eyes and nose.

Treating Hot Spots
Unlike distilled, rice and white vinegar, apple cider vinegar possesses enzymes, proteins, and minerals. It also contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Apple cider vinegar must be diluted before using it on your furry friend’s skin. Mix 1/2 cup water with 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and use the solution on the affected areas. If your dog has open wounds from scratching, you should dilute the vinegar even more. For the mixture use 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 1/2 cup of water. Apply it 2-3 times a day, or as needed.
Apple Cider Vinegar as a Cleaner
I am sure that you also are not a fan of the “wet dog” smell. Or you hate it when someone comes to visit you and he tells you that you have a lovely house, but too bad that it smells like dog. But don’t worry, we have some good news: distilled white vinegar can make the smell go away. Spray a light solution of vinegar and water over the furniture, blankets, and carpets and let it evaporate. Also, you can use it during the bath, by mixing 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar with water. Use this solution while rising your dog, after the bath.
It also works on stinky messes and wee-wee patches. For urine stains mix baking soda and distilled white vinegar diluted with water, in order to get better results.
I know that after reading this article it may seem that vinegar is the Holy Grail of substances, but you must be aware that it is not a cure-all. If your dog’s problem is getting worse, no matter what it is, from smell to ear infections, take him to be seen by a professional.